It’s hard to believe how much the historical development of cooking has discovered almost all body parts of farm animals for itself. A dish that is also not in the focus of well-known meat specialties is the oxtail. Yes, as some readers may have already guessed, it’s about the tail of an ox, and yes, it’s possible to create a delicious meal from it as well.
Essential for the preparation is that the female cook or the male cook has experience in the execution of dishes with all kinds of meats. The first step is to visit an experienced butcher, where for a lunch or dinner for 4 people, an oxtail with a weight of about 1 kilo is purchased, which is chopped into thumb-thick slices.
At home, the pieces are washed well, dried, salted, peppered, and browned in a large pan with 2 tablespoons of butter until browned, before the accompanying root vegetables, such as carrots, celery or yellow beets, as well as a medium-sized onion, are cleaned, finely chopped, and roasted along in the pan. The meat must be cooked until tender for 2.5 to 3 hours.
Of course, both boiled potatoes and bread dumplings are suitable as side dishes. Don’t forget to garnish the dish with fresh, finely chopped parsley and grated horseradish.
Time Travel Tip: This specialty can be purchased from Gissinger Ham, Sausage and Meat Specialties on Ottakringer Strasse.
Editorial and Image: Michael Ellenbogen
Quellen: 12.2.2024
Pearls of Viennese Cuisine by Franz Ruhm, Deutsche Buchgemeinschaft, Vienna, 1950, Pages: 58/59)